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Information about the new homepage
Seminars and Coaching
Executive Consulting
Executive Consulting
Strategy consulting and development
Organization development and change management
IT processes and systems design
Intercultural Cooperation
Project coaching
Knowledge Management
Mandat ISO 13406 (JT)
Events and Publications
JT Success Story (JTIAP V2)
JT Industrial Application Package V2
Industrie 4.0 - Revolution oder Continous Improvement?
JT Open International
Engineering Collaboration @ ASME
Knowledge Management in Product Development
Engineering Collaboration: Efficient - Effective - Secure
Industry 4.0 - Revolution, Evolution or only nice words
Industry 4.0 - smart product developement
Cooperation Culture
PLM Professional
Archive Presentations
30 Years 3D CAD
Science and teaching
Lectures at University of Stuttgart
Scientific Network (Institutes)
Scientific Network (Memberships)
Professional Links
Lake constance area
Curriculum vitae
Privacy policy
News and Dates
Engineering Process Day of :em AG, Darmstadt, Germany, April 09th + 10th
prostep ivip Symposium, Berlin, Germany, May, 13th + 14th
Stuttgart Symposium for Productdevelopment, Stuttgart, Germany, May 21st + 22nd
Siemens Realize Live Europe, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 30th - July 02nd
[Calendar JS by derletztekick.com]
Das Wetter in Gaienhofen
Lectures at University of Stuttgart
Institut for Technical Design and Styling
Lecture: Information Technology and Knowledge Management in Product Development
All information only available in German
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