Katzenbach Executive Consulting started its operational activities on 01.08.2013 and is now celebrating its 10th anniversary.



Ten years of intensive and successful cooperation with more than 50 clients, additionally more than ten advisory-engagements with SME´s and start-up´s in more than ten countries on three continents. 


In all these engagements, the focus was concentrated on the customer’s success rather than on achieving maximum sales. Perhaps that is the foundation for a never expected commercial success.


I was able to get in contact with many people with diverse cultural backgrounds and with different attitudes to think and act. This was awesome and inspiring. 


Projects outside my homefield of automation and transportation industries were exciting. These broadened the horizon and provided completely new insides and experiences. This expanded my field of view. 


The individual projects enable also my opportunity to reflect on my many years of management experience in order to expand my knowledge for future work and consultancy services.


As a result of these activities, three key areas have emerged where people are the focus and the foundation for projects and initiatives success.:

  • Human Change Management
  • Intercultural Cooperation
  • Knowledge Management

This leads me to develop methodical toolboxes for consulting and trainings. Meanwhile these toolboxes are approved and used successfully on the client side.

More you can find on this webside under Seminars and Coaching.


All the knowledge and experiences could also be developed in the interaction with science and teaching. Both areas, consulting and science, complements each other very well and create mutual added value. Very valuable in this area is my active participation with the Scientivic Community for Productdevelopment.


I am looking forward to the next years of dedicated and successful cooperation with my customers and partners.


best regards yours Alfred Katzenbach




On this home page you find information about the following topics:

  • Executive Consulting: all about my professional services as an independent consultant and coach.
  • Coaching and Semiar-Offer: People in complex value creation processes
  • Presentations and publications: summaries and downloads of presentations, publications and interviews.
  • Science and Lectures: latest information and downloads concerning my lectures "Information Technology and Knowledge Management in Product Development" as well as information and links of my scientific network.
  • Links: interesting links to business topics, things of general interest and from the lake constance region.


To several contributions  downloads are provided. For download please registre yourself.

All contributions are available in German and English. Downloades are available only in the original language.


DIN Spec 91383-2021 published (JTIAP V2): 

    • As predicted DIN Spec 91383 was updated during the last months and enhanced by the several recommendations of JT-Workflow-Forum und dem JT-Implementer-Forum of the international prostep ivip Association, as well as German VDA AK PLM. It is available until now.
    • The new DIN Spec can be downloaded under https://www.beuth.de/de/technische-regel/din-spec-91383/341903011 free of charge.

    • Related to this work the  referenced documents  prostep ivip recommendations PSI-14-x:2021 were also updated
      PSI 14_1_V3 JTIAP format specification defines the JT-Format
      PSI 14_2_V2 Industrial JT Use-Cases describes thirty one Use-Cases, which are implemented and used in industry succesfully.
      Both recommendations can be downloaded under https://www.prostep.org/mediathek/veroeffentlichungen/?no_cache=1.

    • We will be still engaged to bring this new specification into the formal ISO process for updating  ISO 14306 related to to international industrial demands as soon as possible

    • For further questions or new ideas please don´t hesitate to contact me





Implementations on DIN Spec 91383 (JTIAP V2): results of the fourth survey

  • In March 2019, the fourth worldwide survey on the current activities concerning the implementation of the JT Industrial Application Package Version 2 (DIN Spec 91383)  was carried out. Here are the results in summary:

  • CAD ISV´s:

    • Autotdesk will deploy JTIAP V2 fully for their authoring-tools and integrate it in their ATF-translator
    • DS will support ISO 14306 ed1 as well as  JTIAP V2 by partner solutions
    • PTC uses Siemens JT toolkit for their JT compatible products 
    • Siemens products that create and utilize JT are compatible with JTIAP V2


    • Eleven out of fifteen system-integrators have a complete solution available today
    • Two have parts of the solution available and are engaged in further development
    • Two are waiting for customer request

  • To sum up: 
  • We have reached in a short periode of time an outstandig maturity
  • On the user side we have more than 250 Mio JT files in the databases done by more than 100.000 Users 
  • We have the direct support from nearly all ISV´s
  • We have integration solutions from nearly all relevant systemintegrators
  • So the deployment project of JTIAP V2 and DIN Spec 91383 has completed it´s mission and can be closed. All further activities will be done by prostep ivip JT Workflow and Implementor Forum

 News Januar 2019

  • DIN SPEC 91383 is now formally approved and publishedl
  • The continuous development of JT standardisation has reached the next milestone. JT Industrial Application Package V2 has been updated and enhanced (e.g. taking ISO14306-2017 into account). So we have generated a formal and public available document with the crediablity of the German Standarisation Organisation DIN. DIN Spec 91383 - 2018 can now be used and has the potential to be the starting description for the next version of ISO 14306.

  • The document combine different specifications and standards to a comprehensive industrial approved concept:
    • The definition of precise geometry is based on ISO 14306-2017, with  XT-B-Rep as mandatory mathematical representation 
    • The XML-structure- and kinematic-definition is based on ISO 10303  (STEP AP 242 -XML)
    • The extensions of JT specification and a mor powerful data-compression is based on  prostep ivip recommendation PSI 14-1:2016 (JTIAP V2)
    • The use-case-descriptions of JT Workflow-Forum are linked to  prostep ivip recommendation PSI 14-2:2015
  • The specification  is available and can be downloaded under  Download DIN Spec 91383


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